How to submit manuscripts for estimates and editing

Alum Canyon Editing no longer accepts manuscripts for editing and now refers all clients to, who offer very high quality services for manuscript editing and translation.

Alum Canyon Editing accepts payment by credit card through PayPal and now also accepts payment by international wire transfer. Please inquire in advance, as some universities will not reimburse authors for payments made with personal credit cards and will only pay editing fees by wire transfer.

To submit a manuscript for an estimate:

  1. Please contact the Managing Editor using the Contact Form. Please include details such as your target journal and required turnaround time, including any academic or publisher’s deadlines.
  2. If you are unaccustomed to writing in English, Google Translate can be useful for drafting or reading an email. For some languages, we can also help you find a skilled translator.
  3. Estimates for editing a manuscript are provided free of charge.
  4. All manuscripts are handled confidentially, whether they are edited or not.
  5. Manuscripts should be attached to the Contact Form as a Word document (.doc or .docx) or .rtf to obtain an estimate. Please disregard any instructions that the contact form accepts any other file types.
  6. The file size limit is 40 MB. For larger files, either send a compressed file or send a message through the contact form without the attached file and you will receive another email address to which to send your document.
  7. The manuscript should be in the standard format required by most journals, which is 12-point font, with double spacing between lines, and 1-inch margins. Manuscripts in other formats are converted to this format for the purpose of providing an estimate, but will be edited in the format in which they were originally sent.
  8. Alum Canyon Editing will review the manuscript, and after assessing the degree of editing required, the number of manuscript pages, the number of figure legends and tables, and the number of reference pages, will provide a written estimate of the cost of editing the manuscript for several possible editing levels and turnaround times.
  9. The level of editing required is at the editor’s discretion, with the exception of proofreading (Level 1 or 2) page or galley proofs for manuscripts already accepted for publication.
  10. The Author chooses from available turnaround times ranging from 3 to 14 days. An example project and editing fee are described on the FAQs page.
  11. Rates are subject to change at any time unless an agreement has been reached.
  12. After the Author has accepted the final proposed terms, editing begins.
  13. When the first round of editing is complete, the Author is notified by email that the edited manuscript and comments have been prepared.
  14. Upon payment of the editing fee by the agreed mechanism, the edited manuscript is returned to the Author by email.
  15. A final RECHECK is suggested just prior to submission. After the Author has reviewed and accepted the Editor’s changes, a RECHECK must be requested within 180 days from the date that the edited manuscript is first returned to the Author, before the manuscript is submitted to a journal. If a RECHECK service is requested, the manuscript is rechecked once by the Editor and is finalized at that point for Level 1, Level 2, or Level 3 Partial services.
  16. Author’s correspondence with journal editors and responses to reviewers are edited for a per-page fee.
  17. Documents for which there is no agreement for a RECHECK within 180 days from the date first returned to the Author, or that will be submitted to a new journal, are considered finalized and are subject to a new agreement and fee for Level 1, 2, or 3 service.
  18. Please note that Alum Canyon Editing does not subcontract to freelance editors or other editing companies and only refers clients to other established, reputable companies that are known to the Managing Editor and that have scientifically trained or subject-area native language editors capable of editing or translating scientific documents. Inquiries regarding any other topics including solicitations and freelancing/subcontracting for Alum Canyon Editing will receive no response.

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© Wildlife photograph copyright 2007 Tim Zurowski. All rights reserved.